Monday, July 11, 2011

UFDC National Convention July 25-29

     Well, well, can the year be better than half over? Time flies when you're having fun... AND when you're busy. I don't have much in the way of news for myself, but my little creations certainly are making up for that fact. A small assortment will be traveling cross-country in the company of Diane's Doll Shoppe for the UFDC Convention in Anaheim, CA.  The convention takes place July 25th to 29th and if you are in Southern California (or can get there), you should stop in. You'll find everything in dolls...both new and antique. If you are an antique doll lover like me, you'll be in hog heaven! For more information on "public admittance," refer to
     UFDC is certainly the "word of the day," here in the studio. I am also working on a 65 piece order for the Lady Baltimore Doll Study group. They will be hosting a Halloween luncheon in October and my dolls will be a party favor for each guest. I can't say or show too much now, as I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. I'll show you more after this sure to be fun-filled event...
Until  later,
Best Wishes...

This Jack  O' Lantern Man and his marionette are dancing their way cross-contry with Diane's Doll Shoppe for the UFDC Convention in Anaheim, CA   July 25th-29th

Santa and this little Christmas Queen Anne doll will also be making an appearance with Diane's Doll Shoppe at the UFDC Convention in Anaheim, CA   July 25th to July 29th

1 comment:

  1. I love the dolls you have featured in this post as I do all of your dolls. I especially like the Santa but then I am partial to Santa. I'm sure your dolls will be a hit at the UFDC Convention.
